Cheri Beasley has requested a hand to eye recount of a random sample of precincts, pursuant to G.S. ยง 163-182.7A, in the Supreme Court Chief Justice contest. The sample is three percent (3%) of the precincts casting ballots in each county, rounded up to the next whole number of precincts. The State Board conducted the random drawing and Beaufort County will recount the Beaver Dam Precinct. 329 ballots were cast in the Beaver Dam Precinct on Election Day.
The recount will begin at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, December 8th at the Board of Elections Office at 1308 Highland Drive, Suite 104, Washington, NC 27889. For more information, please contact:
Kellie Harris Hopkins, Director
Beaufort County Board of Elections
1308 Highland Drive, Suite 104 / PO Box 1016
Washington, NC 27889
Phone: 252-946-2321
Fax: 252-974-2962